So, what’s new in ES2020?

A handpicked selection of cool stuff by Christophe Porteneuve at Confoo Montréal 2018


const christophe = {
  family: { wife: 'Élodie', son: 'Maxence', [Symbol.guess]: '*Shh*' },
  city: 'Paris, FR',
  company: 'Delicious Insights',
  firstTimeInMontreal: true,
  lastTimeInMontreal: Symbol.noWay,
  trainings: [
    'Web Apps Modernes', 'Node.js', 'Git Total',
    'ES Total', 'Webpack'
  webSince: 1995,
  claimsToFame: [
    'Ruby On Rails',
    'Prototype and',
    'Paris Web',
    'NodeSchool Paris'


ECMA, TC39, ECMAScript and JavaScript

ECMA and the TC39

ECMA is an international standards body
(much like ISO, IETF, W3C or WHATWG, for instance)

ES = ECMAScript. The official standard for JavaScript*

TC39 = Technical Committee 39. Caretaker for many standards:
ECMAScript (ECMA-262), Intl (ECMA-402), JSON (ECMA-404), etc.

* Which happens to be, these days, a U.S. trademark held by Oracle® Corporation. Yeah. I know.

The TC39 process

Meetings at various locations every 2 months. A yearly release, usually in June.

“ES6” ➡️ ES2015, “ES7” ➡️ ES2016,
and now we say ES2017, etc.

It’s all public.

The TC39 process

Language proposals go through 5 stages:

0 Strawman “It’d be dandy if we had a unicorn operator (🦄) to…”
1 Proposal A TC39 member “champions” the proposal. General API look and feel hammered down, and many/most cross-cutting concerns addressed.
2 Draft Initial spec text, covers all critical aspects and technical semantics.
3 Candidate Spec complete, verified by appropriate reviewers and greenlighted. API finalized, no stone left unturned.
4 Finished Full Test262 coverage, 2+ shipping implementations (e.g. V8 + SpiderMonkey), significant real-world usage feedback, Spec Editor imprimatur. Usually goes into the next feature freeze (January or March).


(in case you missed it…)

Moar trailing commas!


function yowza(
) {
  // …

const yowza = (
) => …


Remember: ES5 (2009…) already let you do these:

const roiDeLaClasse = {
  first: 'Georges',
  last: 'Abitbol',

const courses = [
  'ES Total',
Prettier : trailingCommas: 'all'

async / await

Async functions

async function createEntry(req, res) {
  try {
    const urlReq = await fetch(req.body.url)
    const html = await urlReq.text()
    const analysis = unfluff(html)
    const entry = await{ … })
    // …
  } catch (err) {
    req.flash('error', `Une erreur est survenue en traitant cette URL : ${err.message}`)

const [tags, entryCount, entries] = await Promise.all([
  Entry.tags(), Entry.count(), Entry.getEntries(req.query),


(As per feature freezing in January 2018, may still expand)

Async iteration


Easily queue / loop over async requests.
Async iterables, iterators and generators use promises, so async/await work seamlessly with it.

for await (const line of readLines(filePath)) {

async function* readLines(path) {
  let file = await fileOpen(path);

  try {
    while (!file.EOF) {
      yield await file.readLine();
  } finally {
    await file.close();
Native: FF 57+, Ch63+, SF TP. No Edge or Node yet.
Babel: preset-env (shippedProposals) / plugin-transform-async-generator-functions

Rest / Spread Properties


// nonStandardAction = { type: 'progress', goalId: 1, increment: 2 }

const { type, ...payload } = nonStandardAction
// => payload = { goalId: 1, increment: 2 }

function doStuff(url, options = {}) {
  const opts = { ...DEFAULT_OPTIONS, ...options, regular: true }
  // …

return {
  history: tallyHistory(state),
  today: moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
  todaysProgress: {},

Rest / Spread Properties


This is a new default behavior: you could already implement custom iterability for your objects.

class SuperDuper {
  [Symbol.iterator]() {
    // Prep and return an Iterator-compliant object:
    return {
      next() {
        // …
        return { done, value }
Native: FF 57+, Ch63+, SF 11.1, Node 8. No Edge yet.
Babel: preset-env (shippedProposals) / plugin-transform-object-rest-spread

RegExp extravaganza!

RegExp named capture groups, RegExp Unicode property escapes,
RegExp lookbehind assertions, RegExp DotAll flag

XRegExp, your days are numbered… 😉

const RE_ISO_DATE = /(?<year>\d{4})-(?<month>\d{2})-(?<day>\d{2})/u
// => { year: '2017', month: '10', day: '05' }

'2017-10-05'.replace(RE_ISO_DATE, '$<day>/$<month>/$<year>')
// => '05/10/2017'

const RE_DIGITS = /^\p{Decimal_Number}+$/u
RE_DIGITS.test('𝟏𝟐𝟑𝟜𝟝𝟞𝟩𝟪𝟫𝟬𝟭𝟮𝟯𝟺𝟻𝟼') // => true

RE_ANYTHING_GOES.test('foo\nbar') // => true
Native: Ch64+, SF 11.1 (except lookbehind). No Node, FF or Edge yet.
Babel: preset-stage-3 + plugin-transform-modern-regexp

Other ES2018 tidbits

Promise#finally, Template literals revision

Always-invoked callback, much like try…finally… :


Illegal escape sequences in tagged template strings (TTS) don’t break, they only pass the raw string, so you can do this:

latex`\unicode`             // Despite \un not being a valid Unicode escape
windowsPath`C:\uuu\xxx\088` // Despite \uu, \xx and \08 not being valid escapes
Native: FF58+, Ch63+, SF 11.1. No Edge or Node yet.
Babel: preset-env (shippedProposals) for Promise#finally. Nothing for revised TTS.
Also, check out this book for great ES2018 explanations.

ES0219 & ES2020

chosen bits that’ll probably show up (stages 2–3)

(Next to no native support just now, FYI)

Class Fields


class APIConnector extends Component {
  // Public static field
  static propTypes = {
    apiKey: PropTypes.string.isRequired,

  // Private (“for real”, a la C++ friend) instance field
  #secretToken = null

  // Public instance field (equiv. to this.awesome init inside constructor)
  awesome = true

  // …
Babel: stage 1 version available still (preset / class-properties), stage 2 WIP

Private methods and accessors


Just a follow-up on private fields…

class APIConnector {
  get #apiToken() {

  set #apiToken(value) {

  #checkConnectivity() {


Dynamic import

Lazily import native ESM (dynamic specifier / code splitting).

  .then((locale) => app.l10n.use(locale))
  .catch((err) => app.reportError(err))

As this is Promise-based, you can get even fancier:

try {
  app.l10n.use(await import(`./l10n/${currentUser.locale}`))
} catch (err) {
Babel: preset-stage-3 / plugin-syntax-dynamic-import (and plugin-dynamic-import-node).
“Native” with Webpack 2+.

Optional catch binding


Not using the exception? No need to bind it now!

try {
  return JSON.parse(await readFile(optionalConfigFilePath))
} catch {
  return {}
Native: FF58, Ch66, SF 11.1.
Babel: preset-env (with shippedProposals: true)

throw expressions


Not a statement anymore, but an expression. Spares us superfluous function wrapping.

function save(fileName = throw new TypeError('File name required')) {


function getEncoder(encoding) {
  // Trigger warning: nested ternaries 😱
  const encoder = encoding === 'utf8' ? new UTF8Encoder()
                : encoding === 'utf16le' ? new UTF16Encoder(false)
                : encoding === 'utf16be' ? new UTF16Encoder(true)
                : throw new Error(`Unsupported encoding: ${encoding}`)



class Person {
  facepalm() { … }

  @throttle('1hr', { leading: true })
  checkFacebook() { … }

  checkTwitter() { … }

class Person {
  @computedFrom('firstName', 'lastName')
  get fullName() {
    return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`

@connect(mapStateToProps, { logOut })
class SettingsScreen extends Component {
  openGoalAdder() { … }

  componentWillReceiveProps() { … }
Babel : stage-1 version in preset, plus legacy plugin. stage-2 WIP.

Numeric separator


Because most major languages have them! 😠

const FACTOR = 1_000_000_000
const FEE = 123_00

const FRACTION = 0.000_001

const BITS = 0b1010_0001_1000_0101
const FLAG = 0xDEAD_BEEF
Babel : preset-stage-1 (now stage 2, but…), plugin-transform-numeric-separator


(maybe; stage 1)

Taking it easy with null and undefined

Optional Chaining and Nullish Coalescing

// Deep chaining despite missing slots? Hold my 🍺.
const userStreet = user?.address?.street

// Works for indirect indexing too
const userProp = user?.[propName]

// Optional method? There you go.

// Default value IIF null/undefined?  Sure thing.
const chunkMode = settings.optimization?.splitChunks?.chunks ?? 'async'
Babel covers optional chaining: preset-stage-1 or transform-optional-chaining. WIP on nullish coalescing.

Véritables protocoles

First-class protocols

protocol RubyStyleEnumerable {
  // Symbol(s) to implement per-case

  // (Implemented) methods on top of these
  cycle (…) { … }
  count () { … }
  drop (…) { … }
  each (…) { … }
  map (…) { … }

class Hash implements RubyStyleEnumerable {
  // Implement the symbol your way…
  [RubyStyleEnumerable._each] () { … }

  // …get the rest for free 😉

Another proposal, maximally-minimal mixins, covers some of the same needs. Unified proposal should emerge for stage 2.

do expressions


const x = do {
  const tmp = f()
  tmp * tmp + 1

Begone, nested ternaries!

const x = do {
  if (foo()) { f() }
  else if (bar()) { g() }
  else { h() }

Pretty cool for JSX too ➡️

return (
    <Home />
      do {
        if (loggedIn) {
          <LogoutButton />
        } else {
          <LoginButton />
Babel : preset-stage-1, plugin-transform-do-expressions

Pipeline operator

(FP FTW #1) Spec

Super-readable function composition. Inspired by similar features in OCaml, Elixir, Elm, F#…

Syntax is extremely in flux (4 competing proposals).
Here’s an example:

// Old-school
const result = exclaim(capitalize(doubleSay('hello')))

// Hip
const result = 'hello'
  |> doubleSay
  |> capitalize
  |> exclaim

Partial application

(FP FTW #2) Spec

Avoids hacky bind(…) usage. Can be done ad hoc, etc:

const mul = (x, y) => x * y
const mul3 = mul(?, 3)

const fx = (prefix, seed, ...items)
const oneSeededFx = fx(?, 1, ...)

Actually super advanced, lazy evals its binding context and arguments. Also combines deliciously with pipelines:

const newScore = player.score
  |> add(7, ?)
  |> clamp(0, 100, ?)

Function binding

(FP FTW #3) Spec • Warning: STAGE ZERO!

Use context-based free functions with ad-hoc binding. Sort of an alternative to mixins.

import { map, takeWhile, forEach } from 'iterlib'

  ::map(x => x.character())
  ::takeWhile(x => x.strength > 100)
  ::forEach(x => console.log(x))
Babel : preset-stage-0, plugin-transform-function-bind

Pattern matching

(FP FTW #4) Spec • Warning: STAGE ZERO!

Heavily inspired by Rust, F# and Haskell. Code branching based on structural argument matching.
Early syntax looks like this:

const getLength = (vector) => match (vector) {
  { x, y, z }: Math.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2 + z ** 2),
  { x, y }:    Math.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2),
  [...]:       vector.length,
  else: {
      throw new Error("Unknown vector type");

Thank you!

And may JS be with you.

Christophe Porteneuve


Slides are up at