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Arduino module

Simply requiring this module lets us control an Arduino-driven feedback based on subscriptions to the Engine’s events. This requires having connected an Arduino board with a Standard Firmata on it, cabled to a circuit or breadboard as described in this diagram.

var colors = require('colors');
var engine = require('./engine');

Johnny-Five is the high-level JS interface to the firmata module, which itself relies on the serialport module to communicate over USB to the Firmata flashed onto the Arduino board.

var five   = require('johnny-five');
var _      = require('underscore');

var lcd, green, yellow, red;

Connect to the board; do not attempt to setup a REPL.

board = new five.Board({ repl: false });
board.on('ready', function() {
  console.log('Arduino board ready'.debug);

We're assuming a standard 2x16 LCD display that we're going to use in the usual 4-bit mode.

  lcd = new five.LCD({
    pins: [5,  6,  7,  8,  9,  10]
  lcd.on('ready', function() {
    lcd.clear().print('Welcome to BLEND');

  green  = new five.Led({ pin: 11 }).off();
  yellow = new five.Led({ pin: 12 }).off();
  red    = new five.Led({ pin: 13 }).off();


This subscribes to the quiz engine's events in order to provide live feedback on the board through the LCD display and, when a question ends, the LCD LEDs.

function bindToEngine() {
  engine.on('quiz-init', function(quiz) {
    lcd.clear().cursor(0, 0).print(quiz.title.slice(0, 16));
    secondRow('Quiz initializes:');

  engine.on('quiz-join', function(user, playerCount) {

playerCount is actually formatted text: let's strip it down to its counter

    playerCount = playerCount.match(/\d+/);
    secondRow(playerCount + ' - ' + user.name);

  engine.on('question-start', function(question) {
    lcd.clear().cursor(0, 0).print('Q: ' + question.title.slice(0, 13));

  engine.on('question-end', function(stats) {

Compute a text for the second row using question-rank letters (A, B, etc.) and reply percentages. Prefix the correct answers with a star. e.g. 'A 25% *B 80% C 10%' (multiple answers allowed).

    var text = '';
    _.each(stats.spreads, function(spread, index) {
      if (stats.statuses[index])
        text += '*';
      text += spread.percent + '%';
      if (index < stats.spreads.length - 1)
        text += ' ';

Light the proper LED. Green if >= 67% of the players have provided the correct answer set. Yellow if 34-66%. Red under 34%.

    var led = green;
    if (stats.correctPercent < 67)
      led = yellow;
    if (stats.correctPercent < 34)
      led = red;

  engine.on('quiz-end', function(scoreboard) {
    lcd.clear().cursor(0, 0).print('Quiz done!');

function clearLEDs() {

var EMPTY_TEXT = new Array(17).join(' ');

function secondRow(text) {
  lcd.cursor(1, 0).print(EMPTY_TEXT);
  lcd.cursor(1, 0).print(text.slice(0, 16));