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The Quiz model

var db      = require('./db');
var _       = require('underscore');

var Quiz = db.define('quiz', {
  title:        { type: db.types.STRING, allowNull: false, unique: true,
                  validate: { notEmpty: true } },
  description:  db.types.TEXT,
  level:        { type: db.types.INTEGER, allowNull: false, defaultValue: 3,
                  validate: { min: 1, max: 5 } },
  runningMode:  { type: db.types.STRING(16), allowNull: false, defaultValue: 'ordered',
                  validate: { isIn: [['ordered', 'random']] } },
  visible:      { type: db.types.BOOLEAN, allowNull: false, defaultValue: false }
}, {
  instanceMethods: {

Helper method to get the next available position for a new question in a quiz

    getNextQuestionPosition: function getNextQuestionPosition() {
      return Quiz.daoFactoryManager.sequelize.getQueryInterface().rawSelect('questions', {
        attributes: [['MAX(position) + 1', 'maxPos']],
        where: { quizId: this.id },
        parseInt: true
      }, 'maxPos');

    isCurrent: function isCurrent() {
      var engine = require('../engine');
      return engine.currentQuiz && engine.currentQuiz.id === this.id;

    isStarted: function isStarted() {
      var engine = require('../engine');
      return this.isCurrent() && engine.isRunning();

Ensure the table exists in the DB


module.exports = Quiz;